- Southern Works Sound and Design
- Joel Hamilton
- Izotope
- TapeOp Magazine
- Musicvox
- Good Records
- Pro Audio Review Magazine
- Ricky Pearson Photography
- Revival Electric
- Recording Magazine
- The Polyphonic Spree
- John Vineyard Graphic Design
- Saturn
- Christian Benner Custom
- Valve Studios
- Brian Machino Productions
- The Modern Vocalist World
- No Hype Audio (Belgium)
- Ryan Powell
- Waterstone Guitars
- DeeJay CeePee
- New Fumes
- Wee See
- Flyline Music AG (Switzerland)
- The Vocalist Studio Voice Training
- Dance Music Northwest
- FEA Labs
- Audio News Room
- Mix Magazine
- Allison V. Smith Photography
- Melodia Musik
- Electron Luv
- Cigar Box Nation
- BlackVolt Audio (Mexico)
- Musique Gagné (Canada)
- Specialist ID
- Bernarda Roelofs
- Turntablearchives
- Funky Junk (UK/France)
- Shane Speal
Here are some links of interest that we find notable. Also big special thanks to our friends, family and supporters of Placid Audio! Without them Placid Audio would not be possible.